

A short trip by boat or helicopter from Cartagena, Hotel Las Islas creates a different proposal, combining relaxation, nature, gastronomy and entertainment to achieve an unconventional vacation, perfect to share with your couple or friends.

Whether you choose a treetop or a seafront Bungalow live a unique and personalized sojourn, immersed in the purity of nature.

Diseño arquitectónico de escalera caracol que lleva al Club House en Hotel Las Islas

Events in Cartagena: Year-end festivities at Hotel Las Islas 

This hotel has become one of the premier destinations for events in Cartagena, offering a unique experience in a luxury and nature-filled setting. 

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Zona de relajación en Hotel Las Islas, con camastros frente al mar y una playa paradisíaca

 A 30-Year Journey Toward Luxury and Sustainability 

Nestled on Isla Barú, just 45 minutes from Cartagena, Hotel Las Islas embodies more than 30 years of vision, perseverance, and respect for nature.

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Mono tití en su hábitat natural, rodeado de vegetación tropical y acompañado por la fauna silvestre de Isla Bar

Las Islas: A wildlife sanctuary 

 If you are wondering what to do in Isla Barú Cartagena, join us on this journey to discover the animals that inhabit our hotel and learn how we work to keep their habitats safe and thriving. 

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Arquitectura de la escalera caracol en Hotel Las Islas, Isla Barú

The ideal place to propose in Cartagena

Magic becomes reality for those looking to create unforgettable moments. If you're considering proposing in Cartagena, our hotel offers the perfect setting to make this occasion truly special.

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Panorámica de la Isleta en Hotel Las Islas, un rincón exclusivo con playas y aguas cristalina

Tranquility at Isleta: Private accommodation in the Caribbean

This exclusive retreat offers accommodation that combines luxury and privacy.

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Alojamiento exclusivo rodeado de vegetación con acceso directo al mar en la Isla Barú, Cartagena

Romantic experiences in Cartagena de Indias

Whether planning an unforgettable honeymoon in Cartagena, Colombia, a romantic getaway, or a beach wedding, this place offers a unique experience at every moment.

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Experiencia en los manglares de Isla Barú, donde la naturaleza y la tranquilidad se combinan en un entorno único

Las Islas, a New Member of Beyond Green

This recognition highlights our commitment to sustainability, environmental action, and positive impact on local communities. 

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Vista superior de una estructura en Hotel Las Islas, con un diseño en fibras naturales que refleja la arquitectura sostenible

Awarded as the best design and global architecture

Hotel Las Islas located in Barú, Cartagena, combines the elegance and rustic charm of the ecological accommodations with the nature of the Caribbean in Colombia.

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Restaurante las Guacas, rodeado de orquídeas y vegetación, con un menú de sabores locales e internacionales

A gastronomic experience that involves all your senses

From a traditional coconut rice to crispy prawns to share, Hotel Las Islas offers a wide menu that provides an unforgettable experience to all of your senses.

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Eventos matrimoniales en Hotel Las Islas, con locaciones exclusivas en medio de la selva tropical y frente al mar

The perfect destination wedding at Barú

Hotel Las Islas has become Baru´s perfect setting for completely original weddings in the middle of the Caribbean nature of Colombia. Start your dream now!

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Cuencos tibetanos de Las Islas, utilizados para sesiones de meditación

Experience the healing power of Tibetan Bowls

Have you ever attended a session of sound baths or bowl therapy? This sensory and auditory experience can be lived in Barú, specifically at Hotel Las Islas.

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Mundo submarino en el Caribe colombiano, con arrecifes y especies marinas en su hábitat natural cerca de Hotel Las Islas

Diving time at Hotel Las Islas

In the Caribbean region of Colombia is located the only hotel from the Leading Hotels of the World brand that has a diving center, Hotel Las Islas.​

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Especie marina con tonalidades amarillas y blancas en el ecosistema submarino del Caribe colombiano

Safe scuba diving tips

Scuba diving is a sport that is gaining more followers every day, you only need training, basic equipment and a suitable place. Here are our recommendations.

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Mono tití con su característico pelaje explorando la vegetación en Hotel Las Islas, Isla Barú

White-Headed Titi Monkey

The white-headed marmoset, declared in danger of extinction, is one of the species found in the tropical dry forest that surrounds Hotel Las Islas.

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Destellos de luz natural en el mar, producto de la bioluminiscencia en las cercanías de Hotel Las Islas, Isla Barú

The bioluminescence at Hotel Las Islas

The bioluminescence are smooth light flashes triggered at night because of water movement. Enjoy this awesome show at Hotel Las Islas, Barú, Colombia.​

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Bungalow privado con detalles de diseño sostenible y entorno natural en Hotel Las Islas

Hotel Las Islas committed to sustainability

This hotel protects from monkeys to corals, generates inclusive employment and seeks that 4,000 inhabitants of Barú, someday have drinking water in their homes.

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Lugar de observación en Hotel Las Islas con una vista panorámica de Isla Barú y sus bungalows rodeados de naturaleza

Astrotour experience at Hotel Las Islas​

At Hotel Las Islas, astronomical tourism or astro-tourism is possible due to its privileged location and optimal conditions for stargazing.

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Piscina del spa Niña Daniela de Las Islas, diseñada para la relajación y el bienestar en un entorno sereno

The spa a tradition of ancient relaxation

The origins of the spa are attributed to the city of the same name in the province of Liège in Belgium, famous for its thermal baths. Also, it is believed that it comes from the Latin “salus per aquam”, which means health through water.

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Restaurante Las Guacas en Hotel Las Islas, donde la cocina local e internacional se fusiona en un entorno rodeado de vegetación

Exploring the exquisite restaurants on Isla Barú

Welcome to Isla Barú, a culinary paradise where authentic flavors and natural beauty merge to provide you with a unique gastronomic experience.

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