Astrotour, a sidereal experience at Las Islas​ Hotel

Magical nights flooded with stars, as well as unforgettable night sky landscapes is what is needed to observe celestial bodies, an experience that cannot be missed while your staying.

Imagen detallada de la luna como parte de la experiencia de astroturismo en Hotel Las Islas, un encuentro con el universo bajo el cielo del Caribe

Where can the starry sky can be seen?

Although stars can be seen anywhere in the world, there are only a few privileged places due to their location that offer optimal conditions to be able to see celestial bodies and other planets.

It only takes great willingness to be adjusted into a dark environment for about 20 minutes, in order have the best luxury stargazing experience of a clear night, using a powerful telescope to discover the vastness of the universe.

In addition to the Hotel Las Islas in Barú, Colombia offers other destinations where you can practice astro-tourism in the midst of nature, such as:

  • El desierto de la Tatacoa in Huila

  • El Parque Nacional Natural del Cocuy in Boyacá
  • Villa de Leyva in Boyacá
  • El Cabo de la Vela in Guajira
  • Puerto López in Meta​

What can be observed in an astrotour?

In the universe, celestial events that can be observed are happening all the time, so there is an annual program that allows you to schedule observations for not missing shows such as:

  • A shower of stars
  • The nebulae
  • Any particular galaxy
  • Clusters, which refer to a group of stars and galaxies that attract each other
  • Observe an eclipse in more detail
  • Take a closer look at the Supermoon
  • Or the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

How is the experience at Hotel Las Islas?

In this paradisiacal place, located in the middle of the Colombian Caribbean Coast, a fantastic facility is offered to observe the wonders of the night sky.

Bookings to the Astro Tour starts at 7pm. It is conducted at intervals of 30 minutes. It lasts until 1am. The location is our Clubhouse Solarium, a magnificent terrace that provides comfort and makes our guided tour an experience that cannot be missed while your staying at Hotel Las Islas Baru.

The location is our Clubhouse Solarium, a magnificent terrace that provides comfort and makes our guided tour an experience that cannot be missed while your staying at Hotel Las Islas Baru.

  • Cámara de neuroestimulación, Las Islas

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What can be observed?

The 88 constellations that change position due to the rotation of the planet, the Orion nebula, the planets Venus, Saturn, Mars and Uranus, as well as star clusters and the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter.

Also, small star clusters can be seen. Certain nebulae are known to be the birth of stars. These are known as stellar nurseries.

Interesting facts about the Astrotour at Hotel Las Islas

Did you know...

  • Some nebulae are created from a supernova, which is the collapse of a gigantic star, at least 8 times larger than the sun.
  • Jupiter is the largest planet; it would take about 1,300 earths to reach its size. Its composition is basically gas, it has 67 minor planets that works as natural satellites and one of its characteristics is the large red spot on its surface, which corresponds to a massive storm, with winds of up to 400 km / h
  • Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system, with the telescope you can see its rings composed mainly of ice, rocks and dust, some of these particles have the size of a house and others have measures of small as grains of salt.
  • Amongst the closest star clusters to our planet, and one that is even visible to the naked eye, the Pleiades, also known as the seven sisters, is definitely a jewel of the night sky. The Pleiades is located in the constellation Taurus.​

Now we are anxiously waiting for a clear sky night!

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